Chances are it’s a conundrum you’ll have run in to if you run a business, or are thinking of starting a business; or if you’ve got a great idea niggling away at you, that you’d like to explore more. You’ve probably felt if you’re a freelancer, or want to change jobs or get promoted. Or if you’re looking for the ‘why?’ or the ‘what next?’
In our first book, Spring, we look at giving yourself some time and space to come up with better ideas and put them into action… We talk to some of the amazing interviewees we’ve come across in our time writing Ethos, and get their tips and take on things. How do they create time for curiosity and experimentation? To try new things, do new things, and do stuff that makes them happy? In the foreword, Mark Shayler talks about the power of the word spring; of its potential. It’s there – it’s just a question of how we use it.
So if you’re thinking about change, or how you can do something different, here are our six top tips and questions to ask yourself:
1.) Allow yourself some thinking time. Take out your ear pods, and click pause on that podcast. We’re all so over-stimulated with new things to listen to and learn, when do we have time any more to think, and to daydream? Let your subconscious work on it…
2.) Move around, preferably doing something repetitive. Repeating simple movements, whether running, swimming or walking, is known as ‘muscular meditation’, and there’s a reason the benefits of exercise on both body and mind are so hyped. It’ll help you get things into perspective, and give you brain some time off to play around with new ideas…
3.) If fear is holding you back, start putting together a file for your future-decision-making-you. Keep emails from clients or colleagues that say ‘thank you’, or let you know how much they appreciate your work. Hang on to things you’re proud of and know went well. Next time you’ve got a big decision to make, that you’re feeling a bit fearful about, open the file, read through it and remember how good you are. Then make your decision.
4.) If you want to create some time to try something new, think about how you organise your day. There are several easy things you can do to find the time to focus on the stuff you want to. Firstly, turn your phone/ Apple Watch/ blah notifications OFF. It’s going to take you a hell of a lot longer to get things done with your phone buzzing, dinging and vibrating constantly. And it’ll annoy the people who work around you, too. While you’re at it, set aside some time each day answer emails, and quit your mail app outside of that time. Leave yourself a clear stretch to prioritise the things that are important to you and set your own agenda.
5.) Reflect. Take a little time at the end of each day, or every morning, to reflect on what’s worked for you. It doesn’t have to be as formal as journalling – although that might get you into the habit. It could be as simple as walking the dog, or as focused as meditation. But spending a little time to think about what’s worked – and what might not have so well – will help you notice patterns and understand yourself and your triggers better.
6.) Try our Wheel of Life tool, and rate your satisfaction with each area of your life or work at the moment. Each spoke is based on a chapter of Spring, so joining the dots will show you which areas you might want to focus on, or where things are a little out of kilter.
What’s Spring? It’s our journal for life, work and wellbeing. It’s about health and wellness; productivity and goals and getting closer to the place you want to be. It’s about fear and side projects and purpose, and working out why you do what you do. It’s about reflection and money and collaboration. And it’s a chance to take stock, too. To work out what you like and don’t like so much in what you do at the moment – what you’d change, and what you never realised you’re grateful for… If that sounds like your sort of thing, click here to find out more.
Photo by Javier Allegue Barros on Unsplash